Program Flow & Time Commitment
During this five-week course, you will be introduced to a new positive principle each week. The online time required during the week is about 45 minutes. During this time you will watch videos, read case studies or articles, and do a reflection exercise. The final thing we ask you to do is offline. We ask you to come up with your own experiment based on what you learned and apply it. The experiment is perhaps the most important part of the week, so we suggest you try to finish the online portion early. That leaves you enough time during the week for application.
Team Up!
We recognize that this isn’t always an option, but signing up with a partner or team is a great way to accelerate your learning. It gives you an additional way to reflect on what you learned, share insights, learn from each other’s experiments, and hold each other accountable. Experience from those taking Part I of the program has reinforced that most people benefit from having a partner, team or group to take the program with.
A Final Word
The ultimate truth in training is this: you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. The result ultimately depends on you, and your commitment to the process. Growth and development will happen when you show up with an open mind and follow the recommended process.